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gem marketing

This week, I’m talking to my friend who has worked with gem marketing for over a decade. In that time, she has developed a unique way of thinking about gem marketing. She’s made it her mission to learn all she can about gem marketing, how to get it, and what to do with it once you understand it. To help,…

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the 1-page marketing plan pdf

The “C” word has become one of the most commonly used marketing terms that we’ve heard from marketers. I’m going to use it here because the “C” word is one of the biggest marketers in the world. It’s so important in marketing that it should have a different meaning to us. A C word is a big word that is…

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the marketing chicks

I hate to say this, but marketing chicks are always around, and I don’t mean the ones that like being paid to talk. It’s the ones that like their jobs. In the marketing world, these “tigers” are the women who do everything for themselves, without a thought to whether or not anyone likes what they’ve produced. They’re the ones who…

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the two major aspects of the evaluation phase of the strategic marketing process are:

the planning aspect and the execution aspect. the planning aspect refers to the process of considering how the marketing will be delivered. the execution aspect is the level of execution of the delivery. The execution phase is the process of planning the delivery of your marketing strategy. the execution phase is the process of analyzing and analyzing your marketing strategy.…

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