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the two major aspects of the evaluation phase of the strategic marketing process are
1. the assessment of the market 2. The market assessment phase will take place in the weeks leading up to the strategic marketing phase. This will be the early part of the strategic marketing process when you may not have your marketing budget yet, so it’s important to have your budget set before you even start. The market assessment is…
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the types of utility commonly provided by marketing intermediaries include:
In order to maximize the effectiveness of marketers, we must understand the different types of marketing intermediaries. Some are more passive intermediaries, while others are more proactive. There are many intermediaries out there, most of which are only providing one or two types of utility. Some intermediaries provide one or two types of utility and the rest of the time…
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to which element of the marketing mix is viral marketing most closely related?
It’s about the brand, the product, the packaging, and the advertising. This means that the viral marketing of a new product is an integral part of the marketing mix. Think about it, if the viral marketing of a new product is so bad it’s not even funny, how do you think people respond? And I’m not just talking about the…
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the real value of marketing research to the organization can best be measured by
The fact that the organizations that pay the most to market research, the ones that are willing to spend the most money on marketing research, are those that are more willing to spend the money. Those organizations are more willing to invest the money because they know that the research they are using can help them better understand the clients…
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