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game7 marketing

This game is a perfect example of this. I love the way game7 utilizes social media and other platforms to promote their game, and I’m excited to continue to work with them to help grow their audience. Game7 has built a strong brand online and continues to grow their business by doing anything they can to help their players. Game7…

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the ultimate marketing plan

A marketing plan is the plan that you use to tell your audience what you want them to know and where they want to go. It’s the plan that you use to direct your marketing efforts to achieve your goals. Marketing is a lot to understand and a lot of the time even the best marketing plans aren’t that great.…

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gourmet marketing

People have always been attracted to a great product or a new service because of its taste or the company. The more a product or service tastes good, the more people will buy them. This seems obvious, but for those of us who don’t cook or eat out a lot, cooking at home is much harder than it is for…

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global marketing jobs

We’ve all seen the ads, but what are we supposed to do when confronted with the prospect of advertising in our favorite language? What’s worse, we can’t always predict the language we will be advertising in. For instance, many of us may be in the market for a position in Spanish with a language requirement, and then suddenly the company…

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